Old T90 Camera (retired)

This 2048X2048 imaging CCD camera was available at the West focus of the T90 telescope. This camera is based on a high quantum efficiency back-illuminated CCD chip, with enhanced response in the ultraviolet. The CCD chip is the same as the old T150 Versarray CCD (retired in 2018): a scientific grade Marconi-EEV CCD42-40 of 2048x2048 pixels. The exact model is the so-called Princeton Instruments VersArray 2048B.

General characteristics

Array VersArray 2048 x 2048
Pixel size 13.5 µm
Scale 0.387 "/pixel
FoV 13.20' x 13.20'
Read-out time (fast mode) 15 sec (binning 1x1); 3 sec (binning 2x2)
Read-out time (low mode) 45 sec (binning 1x1); 6 sec (binning 2x2)
Gain 1.35 ± 0.02 e¯/ADU (see gains and read noises)
Read noise 7.14 ± 0.10 e¯ rms
Dark current 1 e¯/pixel/hr (-110° C)
Orientation North-Up, East-Left
Lineality see lineality test

More information in detailed characteristics and technical manual of the CCD camera.


The filter wheel provide six positions for 50mm square filters.

Available filters